Some new things I thought of for TPT. Comment if you have and ideas/suggestions. For those idiots out there these are SUGGESTIONS not I just magically made a new element.
Put it on the foRUUUUMS111
Ya, the coat idea sounds really good, +1
Coat sounds good, but also sounds lag intensive if working over a large area. However I don't know how tpt works so maybe it wouldn't be.
Helium would also be the result of hydrogen fusion...
what you called "light" is actually a lightbulb
The COAT wpuld be very useful. I hope that gets added.
Good ideas, +1
I know, the are holding the potential of nble back
It wuld be a better idea if powder lets noble gas inherit super fluidity like charecteristics when cooled to close to 0 kelvin (just keeping things simple :)
@ around - 270 Celsius helium will flow with no friction allowing it to completely wet any container it is placed in. By this temperature helium is already a liquid