It is my own homepage. There i place my work and projects. Sometimes i make MLP art.
make small ones for pages /)
Hey, who added "ggaayy" tag? Wtf? :D
Haters everywhere... -.-
AAaaaAAAAAAaaaa!!!!! girly!!!! , LOL , same comment as o the this thing art :P , anyhow , these was a great art! +1
Great Twilight art! That's skill right there! I'm glad to see more bronies on TPT!
might as well say it, I have a crush on twilight. :)
I hav' send an PM to you, ivel.
What did you have in mind? also im a brony, we should make an art together :D
Im good at electronics :D
Hey! At the moment i`m looking for electricy assistant. Don`t miss a chance to write me!