It was part joke, but mostly real that he came 3rd in an ART competition
funny how uberness spams: powder toy not devianart on every bloody art save and he comes third in a art contest
really? i won some kinda award? thanks! and i wil help u manage and tut any way i can :)
Winners announced. 1. thespazz 2. surfcash 3. Uberness Greatest improvement in art evarno
ill help u with some clubs if u like, and i will tell her to get on but the computer that she uses is like stuffed up and takes 20 minutes to turn on ill help u i guess i could make a fray tut?
I have had no time to fix up EPTU with the Fire Club, USMC and Lineark as well as making tutorials for people. Where is Kazo? She hasn't been on enough to get trained
i qualify for rank 3 for EPTU now (finally)
I'm waiting for Renovation. I'm giving him 1 day to finish his design.
WHO WON!? if u have to vote i vote for myself xD