is this the style you wanted?
just got the messages now apperently with the new version the little yellow popup doesnt come up which is gonna be annoying. but i'll just check it quite a lot..
no messages.. and no spaces.
are there any spaces in your name? i can't seem to get the message to work.
oh, i sent you some mail. i'll try again.
i havent gotten private mail.. and ive been fine. just started school last week in a new school and im american so im extremely popular which i hate..
yeah. it sucks. howbout you? and howcome you didn't check your private mail?
LOL that must suck about the hand thing
i meant it's annoying having to look after her! and also, i'm gonna be EVEN SLOWER becayse an idiot jumped on my hand and i can't use it for a week(i'm typing with one hand).
thanks, so do i. ;)