4th Aug 2012
24th Sep 2012
this is for a protest against the missing art in the thumnails, a bit like a petition, all u have to do is say u will join, my target is 100 people
ill join
i might sound a bit stupid but what dafuq is tpt++?
everno: ok, There's probably a replacement for BHOL if you need it (see my other suggestions before), so it's okay to use the different versions for different saves. (Also, this is my first comment with tpt++! I like how I can make comments longer, even though the comment box is a little glitchy)
I join. But unfortunately i have no cool logo to put it here.
@-jacob1 the saves ive been making lately have been made for downvotes, or the BHOL effects the save, but i will use it
Is there any reason you aren't using the logo I made for you in your newer saves? It looks exactly the same inside the saves, and looks better outside.
This is a waste of time ya' know, the majority of long term users and mods/devs agree with the current arrangement, TPT was never meant to be a art program.
I join
evarno look what rank u are.
it would be good if we could get all the shades from white to black on thumbnails