The Alpha Centauri Light Cruiser is the first ship in my soon to be extensive fleet. The armor suprisingly using only 12 pixels can support 12 3x3 life 9999 deutrinium bombs. Update: Minimal: I just put in more Insl to a part that required it.
Mini Update: An extra insl layer at the cannons.
... Meh many spaceships use it so I decided to too the smke is a good heat dissipator.
*cough* *cough*
I wonder where you got the idea of using MORT....
Woops I forgot to change the eqve to mort.
i like the engine 1+
Sorry there was an accidental save
you don't have to, just look at the red bar
oh ok I didnt look at the web page...
I voted up as well. I love the GLOW reactor, really ingenious.