45 / 33
10th Aug 2012
12th Aug 2012
This is a high density shield that can take a large explosion.
resistant stong shield bunker hygnbombblowsup


  • Voyager15
    14th Jan 2014
    My drill can get through that easily...though it does use Converters.
  • circovik
    28th Mar 2013
    None of those are bombs :/
  • andytheepic
    19th Mar 2013
    plus clone
  • andytheepic
    19th Mar 2013
    or you can use repl and thermite
  • andytheepic
    19th Mar 2013
    that was so easy to break, just use that epic non photon saber thingy and it pwns that weak little wall
  • circovik
    6th Jan 2013
    Thats nice... please give me proof
  • phdanielli
    3rd Jan 2013
    my 21 pixel "neutronium" bomb has pwned it
  • circovik
    29th Oct 2012
    I forgot number 3. 3. EXOT, after exposure to NEUT can clone things rapidly. It also has a few properties which allow it to move things a few pixels from where it was to start with.
  • circovik
    29th Oct 2012
    I don't allow EXOT fpr a few reasons. 1. When EXOT explodes after an overdose of ELEC it creates superheated warp, this moves and melts the wall around, thus it is unfair. 2. The ELEC created in the explosion have will react with any NEUT to create HYGN. This will most likely cause a fusion reaction which can end in SING. SING destroys most things instantly. That is why I don't allow EXOT.
  • Siegeman
    27th Oct 2012
    Hey circovik, why don't you allow EXOT?I don't see any unfair advantage that it has against the shield.