This is a high density shield that can take a large explosion.
Okay, one without THDR... ID: 917984
New blast resistant shield! Only $19.99 plus shipping and handling. (Disclamer: Blast Resistant sheilding is not resisistant against anything more than mildly explosive.
So you can put inderstuctable elements in the shield, but we can't use overpowered ones?
Do not use any explosive elements. Have fun destryoing it!
...Put ambient heat on.
So can I... It's called wall...
I too can make a wall that can withstand a bomb. Just don't use anything but WATR.
my v2 nuke owned it and v2 nuke only uses fuseing sing deut and plut
Try to erase it 0_0 WTF?
cool! make a compact model