This is a high density shield that can take a large explosion.
!set type eqve dest
i destroyed it without a bomb... i used my disruptor... i destroyed the entire thing in about 3 mins
The wall is noticably easier to destroy without the eqve :/
He did use EQVE! Holy crap, he did cheat! CIRCOVIK! THIS ISN'T A FULLY DESTRUCTABLE WALL!
He cheated! He used Powdered Diamonds. Its the EQIV type powder around the right side, its indestructable.
My small singularity bomb shred the wall to pieces
my bomb just ate it.
dude. your bomb turned this to powder than ate it.
I know my bomb is worse than singularity on THIS, but on diamond? :D
your weapons are weak. the BCLN is usually one of the first things to go.