This is a high density shield that can take a large explosion.
I don't like this wall. Why? It uses BCLN, which is indestructable. Yes, it spreads and disappears under pressure, but not for a while. Remove the BCLN and it'll be *that* much better.
I tested a plasma thrower with a Cold flame thrower together. After a while it broke.
I cheated. I just used picklishdoorknob's convertion bomb. that thing is far worse than singularity.
id:919244 No thunder this time, no super life, all good. :/
Made a bomb-- fire went past the wall.
thdr isnt a banned element LIGH is if it is put it in the sign
In my total noobness i tested out a huge Plutonium bomb,and then a big part of the wall broken out,the lava was blocked by INSL , breaking a pixel made it leak over the wall.
''ThuderSt is right. Also, try and delete some parts of it. He compressed things!'' Thanks for the support here. Srsly, I didn't like a word of cyber's in his comments.
how he kept questioning every comments I wrote without read anything else... @cyber, whats the problem, srsly? I'm going to check in the site if u checked my new comments or not.