1st Sep 2012
1st Sep 2012
I just published a save and it's not in most recent! D:
if you get 6 votes in 10 seconds? boom instant fp. 6 votes in 6 weeks? theres a 99% chance thats going to get fp
@WilsonLow wrong. jacob1 stated that it is not the mods who put stuff on fp (although mods are very popular so their stuff gets on fp) its an algorithim that states a vote over time ratio
the save or those theories...or both?
this sucks
Which is kind of silly when you think about it. kiss up to the mods, instant save popularity.
The thing is, its not the voting system that changes the fp. Its the mods. Whatever they think look "great" they put on fp. Anytime a mod creates something, there is a 95% chance that it will be on fp. And if you are friends with mods, the "awsome" stuff gets on fb.
good, but like handy said, not fp worthy
lorddeath...shut up....this may by very simple but it's beutiful. however you are right about front page being corrupted...that's why that baseball thing got here.
It's because people look and vote on terrible quality things and the FP system is corrupted.