10th Sep 2012
4th May 2013
Use this terrain in your build, Dont place or remove blocks or edit terrain, machines must edit terrain. Tag you entry as TerraFormaComp
How much time do we get? I need to go on a holiday soon but I really want to participate.
when does the competition end?
thanks Maxsto
Ill try this. i also have a plan already.
ill try:)
jfby8 To make a link, put this on "Text wall": {c:xxxxxx|blahblah} Where xxxxxx is the simulation ID you want the link to, and blahblah is the name you want to appear on the link (In blue letters)
which isn't allowed. Therefore, you aren't done.
jklujm I think you can make any reactor that makes electricity that isn't harmfull..... DoritosTaco You mustn't touch anything that isn't made by you ..... lyony4 You have deleted a part of the terrain,
Done it. 945539
are you allowed clone and colour?