26th Sep 2012
28th Sep 2012
No Description provided.
crap...I forgot to favorite a save and now I can't find it...it had some tiny working pistols on it and a big chunk of sheild for target. Can anyone find it?
Because I publish only what is possible not bad)
wait so every single save youve done has fp'd!?!?!?!?!
?? what is this?
I found a tiny gun on recent and shot the fuel tank...gas fire anyone?
you play spore dude. i do. make a grox planet t1 and theyre all dead. hilarious. cosly, but hilarious.
English is not my native language
"Plnts was die"? Nice english bro!
Cyber, in this project oxygen must be product from smoke or CO2. Oxygen used for make water and atmosphere
-_-...don't use plants to make oxygen...use electricity to split water.