29th Sep 2012
16th Mar 2014
Post any bugs you find here. But there aren't as many bugs that are really bugs and I don't already know about than when this first started, so also use this as a general conversation save, or to ask / tell me anything. #1 most commented save in tpt!
jacob1: no, I know other characters is not supported, but is a windows pop-up and say comment too short, it's just a message bug, Windows bug
Some very old saves are shown as being made on Jan 1st 1970.
Philipou: the "1 vote" is your own vote, and it happens for every single uploaded save ever. It's not a cheat. Also I got your crash report. I can't fix it now, maybe eventually I will. Also, Russian characters are not supported in TPT.
Philipou: Newtonian Gravity is calculated in a separate thread. On Android, it takes a long time to calculate because the library we use to speed up Newtonian Gravity does not work on Android.
Tron205: My memory is fading about 146 D: It might have been BRAN (the GoL) element in the past. GoL elements used to each occupy one ID slot, we later merged them all into one. We then filled in each of the old slots as new elements were added. Stopping with the final one, we left it open forever.
AND when I write comment in russian, it show strange symbols BUT it say comment too short
why when i layer element on android with console or EHOLE, it generate bhol??????
WOW BIGGGGGGGGG GLITCH BUG:Jacob, the bug crash tpt instant, so i will send you a priv message
please don't report me
if you move stamps on 1 pixel. use arrow keys