29th Sep 2012
16th Mar 2014
Post any bugs you find here. But there aren't as many bugs that are really bugs and I don't already know about than when this first started, so also use this as a general conversation save, or to ask / tell me anything. #1 most commented save in tpt!
Gosh, Now Im watching out for you. I never asked to be one, I just asked how you became one. TISK, TISK, TISK. But now we're buddies, right.? ANd Im mad, some people nearly kicked my cracker64 comment off my save. TISK, TISK, TISK.
why? I think it was when I thought you were asking to be a moderator, that just tends to annoy current moderators. I'm not saying you are annoying now though, I just didn't know who you were then.
Wait, you were annoyed by me. You just lost all my respect.
I was looking on the website, at when we first started talking. That was page 81 (or 81 pages before this), a month ago. It was right after this got kicked off the front page for being a week old, when cyberdragin442 started talking about DTEC. I like looking back at old things, seeing how I acted. I was probably annoyed by you back then.
oh, except for my mod detector. That doesn't even need credit to use.
yeah, that's just randomly picked from a list. I don't like sharing too much either, but if someone wants a bomb to use in their save, they are free to use mine with credit. I don't really have anything else that would need any copying done
Wow, auto tip on top of fp. Sharing is Caring, I never share.
not a bug, lolz restores itself when damaged / moved, it aligns to a 9x9 pixel grid only
When I copy and paste the "lolz" it creates more individual lolz then I copied.
Oh, well. It doesn't matter. My Mom flipped so I dont think Im gonna be able to do it anyways. IDK, though.