29th Sep 2012
16th Mar 2014
Post any bugs you find here. But there aren't as many bugs that are really bugs and I don't already know about than when this first started, so also use this as a general conversation save, or to ask / tell me anything. #1 most commented save in tpt!
Oh, Ok. And its ok to have it as both. You dont have to have it reposted a lot just o converse but you have to repost it to find bugs.
it's multipurpose? People don't post bugs much anymore anyway.
no, I like this one.
We should get another save to talk on then?
not fixed: thumbnails get mixed up. I guessthey still do... Ishould organize this save, butI just wonder if this is abugreportingsave, or a talk with jacob1 save...
See, I told you the other day he copied. We took up 3-4 pages just arguing and then I brought up how we broke the record by just conversing.
me banning him might be what broke my spacebar, it was when typing that that I noticed...
only 24hours. I told himnot to deny it in the futureand in real life too, so thatI could teach him a lesson. "this helps in real life too, if you are caught breaking the rules, don't deny that you did it when there is proof. It just makes things worse for you. Don't steal things and then deny it." was the reason.
Ok, how long is he banned. He was only 12 and he means well otherwise. He just wanted to be known well as a good artist.l
yes, I banned him for denying it. He shouldn't deny itafter heis caught. Also, my space bar is broken, so I might not put spaces between some words if i'm feeling lazy