29th Sep 2012
16th Mar 2014
Post any bugs you find here. But there aren't as many bugs that are really bugs and I don't already know about than when this first started, so also use this as a general conversation save, or to ask / tell me anything. #1 most commented save in tpt!
Oh, thats a funny song, our towns halloween parade's every other float played it. Woop on gangnam style. I just listen to them on grooveshark right now. (While im working) Now youre just somebody that i used to know. Im looking for the sun goes down, the stars come out. I listen to them somewhere and type in the lyrics on google.
not really, I haven't bought many new songs recently. I think the last one was gangnam style though, lol. I also like the song 'good time'. You should get what you like though (maybe you don't like crazy korean songs)
Any good music suggestions, I have somebody used to Know and We are young, any others. I have a playlist going on grooveshark.
gazza524: I know, that happens to me too, it does get annoying. I thought it was fixed (at least, Simon partly fixed it), but I guess not)
Yes, i was working on that save and forgot where I was.
YES THANKS YOU now all my 160 pages of stamps are back, when i press on the stamp to load it the picture is somtimes blank or half of another stamp
cj646464: oh, that is a good suggestion. I might try it someday. And i'm here (but I don't check back here too often)
In that setwifi.lua, there should be a checkoff list of wifi channels that are taken and not taken. Like when something is highlighted on the menu, It should be like that.
Is anyone there? Im getting lonely, Ive been inside that save for over an hour working on the CPU and now I feel like im the only one using the program.
oh, they look like they're are on a quadruple pixel base and the signs are warped. Its ok, they just look weird although it could shy away potential viewers.