I don't know, but at least now he realizes what he did wrong. I don't think it was originally his, he may have found it, stamped it, and just found it today though. I do know dc5 is free to copy, or was it another city?
think about it...if it was originally zappo's but he had it on his computer...then how did user25 get it? HUH?! B)Look at his saves...he stole those buildings from second page cities. HE'S A THEIF! and...no...I don't think he'll attack saves...but I don't want to find out.
yes, but i won't be on irc this weekend. (otherwise I am on it almost every day). I could show you someday.
We should do this on an irc, (if I knew how to do that)
Oh, well then how? It doesn't matter as long as he doesn' do it again. ill make sure of that. Cyberdragon, Im going for the all time report record.
no... the button just get dims out. In tpt++, it isn't but says "you need to login to save"
Can you save saves without an account? Here let me try.
I sort of do believe at least part, I said: "but, I really have no way of knowing. Maybe in the future, just make sure a stamp you've had forever is your own, not copied." and he said: "THANK you i just had it in my old saves from before i had an acount". So, if he did it on purpose, he appears to at least realize it was wrong to do that now. If not, it really could have been an accident. I don't think he will attack any saves, he doesn't seem like he would from what i've seen.
And jacob, It was a definite copy, I took the original and copied it and it went pixel by pixel, element by element, and it was the same exact thing. You can trust me and cyber, were not trying to get him banned, just dont fall into his trick or whatever. Ill keep my eye on him.
He just called jacob1 johno1 and said he believes Zappo says its a lookalike.