189 / 28
29th Sep 2012
16th Mar 2014
Post any bugs you find here. But there aren't as many bugs that are really bugs and I don't already know about than when this first started, so also use this as a general conversation save, or to ask / tell me anything. #1 most commented save in tpt!
problems jacob1 bugreport glitch fix 960847 tptpp bugs tptplusplus glitches


  • cyberdragon442
    31st Oct 2012
    nevermind, I fixed it.
  • cyberdragon442
    31st Oct 2012
    NS616 bumped all of his crappy saves. I interjected them. :P ps...in 989176...two identical transistors won't work on the same page. What the hell?!
  • jacob1
    31st Oct 2012
    sorry, I missed it. Who was it? And what were they doing?
  • cyberdragon442
    30th Oct 2012
    I foiled them. (:<
  • cyberdragon442
    30th Oct 2012
    EMERGENCY! SPAMMER ON RECENT! I'm currenly pissing him off by foiling his evil plans.
  • jacob1
    30th Oct 2012
    yeah, that picture did look scary. Really cool though. Where you live sounds nice. I'm just surrounded by other houses, and it's all city / houses for a huge area around me. What you said reminds me of when I go up north, I like it up there.
  • cj646464
    30th Oct 2012
    Oh, two years ago, we cut down a 100 ft tall oak right next to our house. It would have fell in this storm and destroyed our house. Lucky us. My bike was on a covered porch. It was loose on a railing though(right next to it). i ave a mountain bike for now. If t gets real bad, we have an apple shack( where we store fruit form our fruit orchard) that is underground and is tornado proof. 39 dead on the coast. My town has power now and its pretty calm. Look at the picture on the forum of Sandy. Staue of Liberty, scary.
  • jacob1
    30th Oct 2012
    that sounds horrible... Maybe you should have went somewhere else for the hurricane (or just stayed, at least you're ok). You probably should have mede sure all your stuff was inside too (your bike), but it's too late now. For me, all that happeded was high winds, but no power outages that I saw (although there were some), and no fallen trees that I saw either (maybe because that tree already fell on my house earlier this year...)
  • cj646464
    30th Oct 2012
    Oh, Its still raining. Had no Internet all morning or night so I just slept. NY and NJ are under disaster watch and PA's next. Last year, the town I live in was considered Disaster Area. It hasnt been yet but the transformer blew in the village I live in. There was also a fire. I just got Internet so (my bike was demolished). HI.
  • jacob1
    30th Oct 2012
    oh. Nothing like that has happened near my house... just wind and rain. I wish I could have no school for 3 days, the only time that ever happened was during a bad snowstorm a long time ago.