189 / 28
29th Sep 2012
16th Mar 2014
Post any bugs you find here. But there aren't as many bugs that are really bugs and I don't already know about than when this first started, so also use this as a general conversation save, or to ask / tell me anything. #1 most commented save in tpt!
problems jacob1 bugreport glitch fix 960847 tptpp bugs tptplusplus glitches


  • jacob1
    27th Oct 2012
    I know, I don't have enough time to fix it, but i'll try for the next version
  • ThatKeiiidJJ
    27th Oct 2012
    sign behind the zoom mode are still clickable
  • jacob1
    27th Oct 2012
    update: CLNE is now the known bugs, INSL is the already fixed / fixed for next version bugs, DMND = not merged, I need to either ask simon or change what he already asked me to fix, and VOID = he doesn't want for certain reasons. (ask if you want to know why). I was also hoping he would give me push access to tpt++, so I don't have to wait for him to merge in stuff, but when I asked him, he just said "Maybe", and when I asked for more info on why, he said "I don't know". Maybe I should ask him some other day? It's probably late near him, and moving does cause stress.
  • jacob1
    26th Oct 2012
    some comments were deleted earlier in this save, but not from me.
  • jacob1
    26th Oct 2012
    you mean comments? What ones? Comments are only deleted for a reason, but it could have been an accident, or deleted if it was a response to deleted comments.
  • gazza524
    26th Oct 2012
    hey wat gives.. my some of my comits are gone..........
  • jacob1
    26th Oct 2012
    The first is fixed and has been for a while. (Simon just got back, so maybe now a new version with the fix can be made). The gas thing, maybe you could show me an example save of? I'm sort of confused. And you think elements in PIPE should be able to conduct heat with one another? (and with the PIPE too?). I don't know if that would be good, PIPE can transfer really hot stuff now without affecting things around it (like the BRCK)
  • sentinal-5
    26th Oct 2012
    when deleting elements with the console, they are occasionally replaced with a brightly glowing substance(like DMND coloured DEST) this only lasts for one frame but is very wierd, and a gas in PIPE cannot travel upwards around a corner from a 2px space into a 1px space, VERY annoying. and also heat cannot be transferred into or out of any elements in PIPE, this, and the one before, completely breaks my latest work-in-progress. please look into it.
  • jacob1
    26th Oct 2012
    I know, it will probably beat the # of comments soon. A lot is conversation between me and a few other people, but there are many bug reports too. And that history thing isn't completely right, that will give you the second newest version. When I mess up on a save (like this one), I do history and click the first result, then resave it as that.
  • jtheking999
    26th Oct 2012
    btw this is the only save i have seen with a simalar amount of comment pages to destroyable city 5