189 / 28
29th Sep 2012
16th Mar 2014
Post any bugs you find here. But there aren't as many bugs that are really bugs and I don't already know about than when this first started, so also use this as a general conversation save, or to ask / tell me anything. #1 most commented save in tpt!
problems jacob1 bugreport glitch fix 960847 tptpp bugs tptplusplus glitches


  • jacob1
    25th Oct 2012
    lol, I guess I shouldn't say the crash when you get an error when saving is fixed, it looks like now I get a crash when I don't get an error when saving... more testing is needed.
  • jacob1
    25th Oct 2012
    deut bug: no that's not a bug (well it sort of is), it's because of an integer overflow, numbers that high can't be stored, and so it wraps around to a negative number. that causes weird things do happen. id bug: yes, that's known, it usually doesn't work (but seems to sometimes) Edit: fix spelling
  • Dutchdude
    25th Oct 2012
    and i can't search for ID's! it type: ID:(number) but it won't show the right save! or am i doing it wrong?
  • Dutchdude
    25th Oct 2012
    if you set the life value of deut 999999999999999999 (those are 18 9's) it won't create neutrons when in contact with a neutron, is this a bug?
  • jacob1
    25th Oct 2012
    it was much simpler than I thought, tpt.el.dmnd.difusion = 1 (or a highter number) will work. Do that with any solid. It's won't act much like other gases though, because many other properties aren't the same.
  • jacob1
    25th Oct 2012
    to make a solid a gas... that's a little more complicated. I'll check though. And what, exactly, are you typing? I've never seen that problem
  • Tatr629000
    25th Oct 2012
    sometimes when I use console, powder toy needs to restart because of a problem. Could this be fixd?
  • 0901290
    24th Oct 2012
    but can you post how to make solids a gas?
  • 0901290
    24th Oct 2012
    thank you, i un published it...
  • cj646464
    24th Oct 2012
    Oh, ok. So Im ok if I get one of the cool moderators ;).