Oh, and our friend Swiftclaw is back. He almost bumped cracker64's autograph off of my Heat art save.
Well, I replaced the quotes with single apostrophe and kept text the same for a test. What did I do wrong.
I typed in what ou told me to, it said string not found. What did I do wrong.
either that, or they changed when I posted a comment on a new save saying they would be banned if they continued.
Oh, and almost forgot. That person that was downvoting everything isn't going to have any punishment or anything, Simon says he was also upvoting stuff too. That's also what I was thinking a little, and was mentioned on irc. They were just giving every single save what they thought it deserved.
also, if I haven't said it yet, while fixing that you can't reload local saves, I added a new feature. You can click the save as current name button. That way, you don't need to go through two interfaces and click yes to overwrite, it just does it automatically.
thepowderdustflame: I know, and it makes me feel sorry for everyone that uses tpt++, and not my mod. Also, remember that technically, the stuff in dmnd isn't officially merged yet, I can't change tpt officially yet. ztank001: ok. I haven't tried fixing that yet, but I can sometime, or Simon will. cj646464: ok, but if you still want to try, what was the exact thing you typed in? I can tell you what you did wrong.
Already stated ztank and I gave up lua when I flipped at my console.
I found a new bug, while drawing with any particle in zoom, if the zoom window is over a sign you can click the sign through the zoom... It's weird.
seing all this makes me impatient for next version O_o