what file did you download? Make sure to include the .lua extension. And you don't need to double click it. dofile("autorun.lua")
I typed in what you told me and it said file doesn't exist and it's in my powder file. In my file folder, I click on it and it says windows must go to Internet source or whatever and I click on it and it searches it on google.
what? What did you try, and what did you type into the console?
it says cannot open file through windows.
Ummm, ok. Ill try it out.
1. Yes 2. On the lua subforum. That was only an example though, you can use whatever script you want. I used the texter script to make this save, that's all it does
1. Did you see my new sorter. 2. Ok, where do I find the texter lua.
well, lua is a programming language. You can do make lua scripts and run them with the console, once you know lua. If you just want to run a script from the forums, put it next to your exe and type "dofile("nameoffile")" ex. "dofile("texter.lua")" (and without the quotes around the whole thing. You need to learn the language first though, see the wiki, it links to a tutorial. Or, for simple things, the main lua wiki page covers the basics.
And my sorter finally got to fp.