your fuse wire works fine
sorry that your name is fun to type? I like typing 646464. And I couldn't tell what language it was, I don't know portuguese, but it does seem like it would be that.
Yeah, srry bout the name. Its back to normal now. That guy with that post on the forums I think was speaking Portugeuse.
it's almost pointless, except you can spark it without SPRK selected, you just need to click it. Now OTWR is actually useless, it barely does it's job correctly too. cyberdragon442: well, I changed them back to the better ones already. Simon has to approve my changes though. cj646464: your name is so fun to type (:, also I don't know what the saving problem was, it probably wasn't a problem with my mod though, maybe just how you saved it.
ps...your ACTV element is pointless. Use switch.
strangely...I'm getting used to the weird vote bar
Whoa...I just had to fix my screen...everytning was turning brown. 0_0
Well, I got it working now. Finally, it probably wont break again.
i tried both combaitible and I put them at 9999 and saved it. got out and back in and the deut was gone. Check out my bad luck brian stuff on the forum. Hehe
Really? Are you sure? nothing was changed with that. Life values over 65535 won't save in any version, and temp saves fine for me. What options do you have selected?