Yes, but why will it not keep the life amount and temp in saves and such when you save them.
what is a light cannon? Can I see the save maybe? I know I fixed a moving solid crash already.
there is actually a minor difference between the 2 saves though. tpt++ has a different wall format. My mod can open both, tpt++ can too, so it doesn't matter. Making saves in my mod causes walls to show up correctly in the thumbnail even. Also, signs can be longer in tpt++, my mod supports that.
jacob...I crashed your mod trying to make a gravity powered light cannon. oops.
cj646464: tpt++ is 83.9, tpt is 83.0. When making saves, the minor version isn't included, so it can't tell the difference between tpt and tpt++ saves. That's why it only says "version 83" on the button. And it doesn't say 19.2 in the corner, just 19, because my mod doesn't have a variable with the minor version at all. I just added it though a few days ago, 19.3 will actually say ver. 19.3, not just ver. 19
Ummmm, 19.2 is all broken. It wont let me save compatible with 89.3, only 83.0. And I think it's still 19.0 as it still says 19.2 up in the top right corner.
yes, it's powerful, but I only tried it a little. It's fun to play with, I like new explosives. Soap: Yes, it will. I was hoping Simon would do it though, the drawing code is way too complicated. I might do it sometime if he doesn't though.
will the caps lock erase shortcut return?
Oh, I thought you get the other version updates. I thought I got them. And thx. Is the force explosive powerful?
and 19.3 will have the new tpt++ elements. I'll try to release it today.