I dont know if this is a glich but the bottom of your mincraft logo tnt dint go off only to top one
oh, but I modified the logo a lot. His was just dmnd
I used too, I really don't anymore. I just got this logo from b-tenthousand. I still would like to play it, if I had time
I must say...you have passion for minecraft xD
Well, yes, you can do that. Any colored sign is copied from this save though, but once you have one, you can edit it without needed to mod the game. I posted a comment on one about all the possible colors. There is also something you can do to get all colors, but because of some annoying way json saves the saves, the colors used can't be bigger than half brightnes (0x7F, or 127)
What about those tutorials that showed us how. I was doing it yesterday.
It's not possible unless you mod tpt. I might see if I can convince Simon to add a way to do it in a real way
How do you make coloured signs??
gazza524: that's what I was planning on making it do, it should submit, if you have a comment typed, if not, then open the save. Darkn1883r: I know. Pick white on the left, and then I think ADD/SUB will act close to the old LIGH/DARK. Just ignore DIV/MUL, not even I know exactly what those do, it's only for really advanced drawing people. (after hearing myself say that, maybe I should ask to remove them, possibly replacing them with LIGH/DARK)
in the new decoration tools, you can't Alt+click on the colour of an element (or a previously painted object) to select it. There are also no more lighten and darken tools. It's really confusing!