29th Sep 2012
16th Mar 2014
Post any bugs you find here. But there aren't as many bugs that are really bugs and I don't already know about than when this first started, so also use this as a general conversation save, or to ask / tell me anything. #1 most commented save in tpt!
Oh, we were complaining about the new version and all the glitches.
I scrolled through your comments when I found it, but I don't really remember what you said. I just wanted to see if all of those pages were actually you. marbdy was probably the fastest to post once the save server was created back in 2010, he doesn't play because he must of quit right away. (back then tpt was boring anyway, only like 10-20 elements, and people actually used walls)
Wait, have you been monitoring our chatting? And why does marbdy have the first save ever on this server yet Ive never heard of him.
cyberdragon442: I know, maybe I will change it somehow, like make it take much longer, or die from heat/pressure or something. cj646464: it isn't exactly secret, I use id:1 to test if things are working sometimes, along with my secret testing save
jacob1, you found our old chat room. You spy.
the problem with virus is that it dies soon after infection so you can't repair it. :(
Oh, that sucks. cyber that was a good idea. Meet me in our original chat room. Yeah, the one that we used up 14 pages on.
actually, I forgot, yes that will happen. It changes something in the format so that normal tpt thinks it can't open it, only when you select to save as my mod version. (tpt uses OPS1 as the first 4 bytes and checks that it says OPS, my mod does OPJ1, which is not equal to OPS, so it won't open in tpt)
aww...so it won't go "Error: cannot open"? aww...but then I can't go "BWAAHAHAAA! YOU CAN'T OPEN IT!" in the description. :( (total sarcasm)
What dmnd and random elements.