189 / 28
29th Sep 2012
16th Mar 2014
Post any bugs you find here. But there aren't as many bugs that are really bugs and I don't already know about than when this first started, so also use this as a general conversation save, or to ask / tell me anything. #1 most commented save in tpt!
problems jacob1 bugreport glitch fix 960847 tptpp bugs tptplusplus glitches


  • jacob1
    14th Oct 2012
    no, triclops200 did I think. Someone just mentioned he was stealing saves on irc (and there were a lot of reports also). If he steals any more, i'll ban him permanetely, apparently he wasn't banned forever. I doubt he will be back though.
  • cj646464
    14th Oct 2012
    Ummm, that guy that got banned last night copied a page and a half of saves. HEHE, faved em all so I could count. THats six rows. Did cracker64 get to ban him. He copied like all my fp saves.
  • jacob1
    14th Oct 2012
    No, it's not too late at all. Continue to post bugs here forever, i'll check the messages. That actually isn't a glitch. When stickmen heads go through elements, that's how it gets that power. Also, it can spark things when it's head is inside by pressing down. In order to allow these, it's head has to go through stuff. It does make controlling a little glitchy though, and it would be hard for it to go through elements but not walls.
  • Darkn1883r
    14th Oct 2012
    this might be too late to say but the stkm heads go through walls
  • cj646464
    14th Oct 2012
    Well Im gonna continue arguing cuz im not tired, g-night.
  • jacob1
    14th Oct 2012
    or I can go to sleep... i'm tired. Instead of arguing i'd rather ban. I would just ignore him anyway, he'll be banned soon.
  • cj646464
    14th Oct 2012
    I Instant messaged cracker and Im arguing with hi cuz its fun on the pokemon save, you should join in. Then it would be a real hootenanny.
  • jacob1
    14th Oct 2012
    I know, I saw that. It looks like he wanted to quit tpt, so instead of just stop playing, he did all that. I think that's immature, he's just trolling, knowing he's going to be banned from he game he doesn't want to play anymore. I'll let cracker ban him maybe. If he's still not banned tomorrow morning, i'll ban him (permanently), I don't feel like doing anything now.
  • cj646464
    14th Oct 2012
    Yo check out the guy in most recent trying to tell everyone cracker64 stole from him.
  • jacob1
    14th Oct 2012
    I really don't know who we are talking about, if it's the same one from earlier, that person and all his accounts were banned. remington123: I need to ask Simon to fix that sometime, I think it works for published saves? Or maybe just your own. That is a glitch. Box-Poorsoft: That's because of how it works, it's really weird. I can try to fix it.