The person that did it, and all the accounts, were banned already. I'll ask Simon if the votes get automatically removed, I thought they were but maybe not. And I actually can't ask this weekend, but even after that he is rarely here. Maybe just try sending a pm (conversation) to Simon, and ask for them to be removed, because apparent;y they aren't. Also, you can re-publish the saves, since the person was already banned. When multiple accounts are used, it sends a message to all the moderators on a secret irc channel, so they find out instantly and ban the people.
I locked all of them but the vote bar needs to be set back to yesterday becuase exactly 5 votes were lost from all of my saves. And find out who did it.
can you reset them back to where they were?!
Jacob....someone either A) attacked me with 10 accounts or B) your server died...some of my saves have lost all their votes but some haven't been touched. D:<
ok, the next version still isn't out, but it will have two new elements, DMG and TSNS. Click the link here to see an example of them (that won't work, because you don't have the elements yet)
yeah, I should probably let it let you save privately as the mod version or something. Maybe i'll change it, but i'm not sure yet. The version next week will fix it though. I will realease it after the next version of tpt++, and that actually could end up being longer, not sure.
Ummm, I cant save pipe in stamps or saves. Im just saving it in your mod settings until I can save it regularly. Cant even save it privately.
yes, that's what I meant. The problem with PROP you had doesn't happen to me, even though i'm typing 9 zeros, and I have windows 7 too.
Umm im a little young but wats OS? and im using windows 7 if thats wat you mean
and for now, you could just change the SAVE setting to save as jacob1's mod, but then saves wouldn't be openable in normal tpt, but it's fine for stamps