When i used the prop tool on deut and typed the life to 1000000000 with 9 zeros power toy just crashed
Where it says fixed does it mean it will be fixed in the next update or is it areadly fixed with the verion we all have?
I dont know if you answered yet or not but how did you do colour signs
Oh my god, I still want to get those snowflakes into my save. Time yo mess with the system,
hi when you see this comment can you see if can get this to front ( good idea i think) id: 970879
in other news, 66 days and 4 hours until Christmas!
Also, the next update (84.0 probably) will include at least 2 new elements. DMG (some kind of force explosive), and TSNS (temperature sensor). Maybe more, Simon wants a detection menu (and already made it)
yes, once you load that, it will save the code in "newluacode.txt", but it never deletes it, so it just stays. I don't think any other lua code has ever been included in a save (except for one script backup I have). I really like that save though, it's relaxing. The snowflakes fall slowly, there's no movement, you don't have to worry about drawing things because you can't, you can even imagine christmas music in the background...
I just looked at your lua code and i couldn't figure out why it said snowflake everywhere until i looked at your merry christmas save.
you can't. (unless you modify the source). I don't know why I put it there, I just felt like adding it