189 / 28
29th Sep 2012
16th Mar 2014
Post any bugs you find here. But there aren't as many bugs that are really bugs and I don't already know about than when this first started, so also use this as a general conversation save, or to ask / tell me anything. #1 most commented save in tpt!
problems jacob1 bugreport glitch fix 960847 tptpp bugs tptplusplus glitches


  • --Justin-Gnail--
    5th Oct 2012
    Invs no longer changes colour under pressure so its hard to tell when its intangible or not
  • jacob1
    5th Oct 2012
    And this isn't an element suggestion save, the forums are for that, but I just want to say now don't do that. Your elements will be completely rejected if you post what you did here ("add gold, francium, everything in the periodic table"). It needs a good use if we are going to add it now instead of fixing things.
  • jacob1
    5th Oct 2012
    vasko002: what's different? It works for me. theboss100: ok, although they react fine for me, so I can't reproduce it. screw99: are you on a mac? And the stamp thumbnails getting mixed up was supposed to be fixed, but i'll move it back to the other side
  • screw99
    5th Oct 2012
    sometimes, when i open saves, it closes tpt like i hit the X button. and when I copy to clipboard something from another save, when I hit CTRL-V there is a ghost drawing of a totally different save i hadnt opened, it goes away when you paste the image.
  • theboss100
    5th Oct 2012
    @vasko002 it works till 999999 not more
  • theboss100
    5th Oct 2012
    @jacob1 the element buttons
  • vasko002
    5th Oct 2012
    the !set life deut command doesn't seem to work as it did before.
  • jakobsdrgn
    5th Oct 2012
    I know this is off topic but i love your mod it really makes Tpt alot better
  • jacob1
    5th Oct 2012
    Oh, so the random crashes must be a mac problem. I can't test that though, since I don't have one, but hopefully it will be fixed soon. And yes, fusion creates BRMT. (or was it BMTL, or the BRMT melts?)
  • Tatr629000
    5th Oct 2012
    after a long time (I have a mac) tpt says I can't open saves, and then I have to restart it. I did fully update tpt. Tpt also randomly shuts down and I have to reopen it.