29th Sep 2012
16th Mar 2014
Post any bugs you find here. But there aren't as many bugs that are really bugs and I don't already know about than when this first started, so also use this as a general conversation save, or to ask / tell me anything. #1 most commented save in tpt!
Candy-Ninja: back then, dates weren't saved with saves N20: it uses the kelvin scale. Just type +273.15 after everything najgauner: fixed, it's NITR and setting to an invalid type does that. vask002: that's hard to reproduce for me, but I do know about it and that it exists. crizztopher: I know, i'll se if I can change it back
stray_walnut: preferences work for me too, but I did notice ambient heat isn't saved and loaded, maybe I will make it. I still don't know where Simon is. You can't change WALL (gol) because it's really LIFE, you can't change WALL (wall) because it's not a particle in the particle map.
@N2O Whwn i tried it worked, the temp was set to -273,15, the scale in console and prop tool is kelvin.
if you change sltw to ntro through the console the sltw or nitro disapears
When I set "0" to temp, the temp becomes "-200". Please, fix this bug in "prop" tool.
Saves from 2010 say they were made 40+ years ago. On iito's link save (Where he as save id 1,2 123456 etc.) one of the saves states that is over 40 years old, well before the internet.
i have some saves with 8 votes that have full votebars but my saves with 88 and 84 votes don't.
dropped a BOMB on Fallout 1986 and everything started creating crazy pressure
also in console you can change element types. well what about wall i want to change this wall to brick
im getting preferences to work i dont know what was going on earlier