29th Sep 2012
16th Mar 2014
Post any bugs you find here. But there aren't as many bugs that are really bugs and I don't already know about than when this first started, so also use this as a general conversation save, or to ask / tell me anything. #1 most commented save in tpt!
I had nothing to say and was Alt+numpad typing random unicode characters, and I realized that Alt+11040 and 11345 both make "!"
hmm did the bot miss some messages again ... _Toby_Fox_: yes, you can change your username. Please check the pinned thread on the forums for more information about how to do that. explosivepowder: maybe it's so good that nobody has anything to say :P
@explosivepowder oh hey your back. cool.
Paint warp, then press 5 (blob display).
Either way, the main point of that was to say "Sup i exist again"
Well i've returned. First save i created after returning was my Living Earth, which has somehow managed to ammass 1000 views, with a 10 on the vote number thing, and yet 0 comments. The comments is what confuses me.
@jacob1 So i've been wondering, is it possible for me to change my username?
thanks :), glad you still play and enjoy TPT, even after all those years
Hi, I wanted to express how awesome TPT is. For the past 5 years it's been one of my few creative outlets. Not knowing about the element wiki page, I spent a good 50 hours toying around with it during school just to figure out how each element works (my teachers didn't think it was a game and let it slide). Since then it's been an on and off hobby. And all without advertisements! It's a beautiful platform that I take pride in. Love you @jacob1
sure but they will be ignored most likely.