29th Sep 2012
16th Mar 2014
Post any bugs you find here. But there aren't as many bugs that are really bugs and I don't already know about than when this first started, so also use this as a general conversation save, or to ask / tell me anything. #1 most commented save in tpt!
Wait... this save was demoted but jacobs a mod... could it be true?... naw...(?)
someone said something about a "record" feature malfunctioning from infinate loop
3rr0r: options was moved to the right for some reason
cyberdragon442: xoom thing works for me. querty1: will fix now gazza524: your stamps are gone from the list, but I made a button that should add back every stamp in your stamp folder to the list. justin: ok, that was reported already (I think it's in the save)
not sure if this page mentions it but i have no "options button" any more?
If you press ctrl z ambient heat doesn't get undone.
does anyone else have the same problem with the stamps becasue i cant see my stamps i can only see like 4 pages and i had 7.., the other thing is that when you clikc on a stamp the picture in the square is stuffed up like if i had a bomb it would show another thing like a wall..
another thing...if you paste something then reload...it takes you back to the last save you opened.
One problem. When working on a save, if you save it and then hit reset, it resets to when you opened the save, not the last time you saved it. Kind of annoying.
um...get rid of that link