189 / 28
29th Sep 2012
16th Mar 2014
Post any bugs you find here. But there aren't as many bugs that are really bugs and I don't already know about than when this first started, so also use this as a general conversation save, or to ask / tell me anything. #1 most commented save in tpt!
problems jacob1 bugreport glitch fix 960847 tptpp bugs tptplusplus glitches


  • leonardoeyer
    1st Oct 2012
    when click alt + click on decoration tool it don't copies the collor, it selects a random gray color
  • jacob1
    1st Oct 2012
    I put this back on front page for a bit so more people will see that.
  • jacob1
    1st Oct 2012
    UPDATE!!!: your stamps past about page 3? are gone. And won't come back. The .stm files weren't deleted though, so I will try to make a button to read all stm files in the stamps folder and add them back. For now, copying them into the saves/ folder will let you open them with the local save browser (Ctrl + Open)
  • an0nym0us
    1st Oct 2012
    Another bug: TPT crashes when i try to delete a stamp.
  • an0nym0us
    1st Oct 2012
    my stamps is not back :( I use v 83.9
  • kandiejoe2002
    1st Oct 2012
    hey ligh doesnt work anymore like on any saves
  • jacob1
    1st Oct 2012
    The stamp bug is apparently fixed (not sure if in 83.9). LIGH also was, rotating walls, negetive values in the console, and some other things were also fixed. If your stamps came back, please tell me (it might not be fixed yet, or wasn't completely fixed)
  • an0nym0us
    1st Oct 2012
    @screw99 i agree.
  • jacob1
    1st Oct 2012
    I can't figure out why people say line and box tool don't work, what exactly are you doing? And also, I just realized that maybe it is laggier for some people, I don't know why that would happen. This was demoted from the front page, maybe less repeats will be reported now.
  • screw99
    1st Oct 2012
    @gnager32- its been like that, if u change it it will mess up some saves, i like it how it is. Oh and Jacob, when you copy with CTRL-C, it has a specific set amount of pixels in it, the copy box jumps to every 15-20 pixels or so, dont know how many.