189 / 28
29th Sep 2012
16th Mar 2014
Post any bugs you find here. But there aren't as many bugs that are really bugs and I don't already know about than when this first started, so also use this as a general conversation save, or to ask / tell me anything. #1 most commented save in tpt!
problems jacob1 bugreport glitch fix 960847 tptpp bugs tptplusplus glitches


  • jacob1
    1st Oct 2012
    Yeah, that happens in tpt too I think. I might remember it and fix it if I end up being the one to fix the multiline textbox highlighting problem.
  • cylers
    1st Oct 2012
    long sign thats definately a bug XD
  • --Justin-Gnail--
    1st Oct 2012
    in the comments if you try to click at the end of a line while you are typing it puts the cursor at the begining of the next line
  • jacob1
    1st Oct 2012
    yes, it's normally compiled with mingw, and I made it compilable with Visual Studio. Also, i've seen something about clang
  • cyberdragon442
    1st Oct 2012
    ps...will this version compile in Code:Blocks?
  • jacob1
    1st Oct 2012
    Simon says he will re-enable those. tpt++ only sends a search request when you are done typing (tpt did it after every letter you type), so they won't be a problem to allow people to search for anymore.
  • deltora2
    1st Oct 2012
    if you search either of those or both then it will show the top saves, or 'no saves found' if you searched both at once.
  • jacob1
    1st Oct 2012
    why is that useless? I tagged 'bug', and you tagged 'fix'
  • --Justin-Gnail--
    1st Oct 2012
    Stamps that could fit on your first stamp page aren't if you delete some stamps from your first page
  • deltora2
    1st Oct 2012
    also you can add three character tags again, usless and probably a pain for the creator of the svae/sim to remove.