29th Sep 2012
16th Mar 2014
Post any bugs you find here. But there aren't as many bugs that are really bugs and I don't already know about than when this first started, so also use this as a general conversation save, or to ask / tell me anything. #1 most commented save in tpt!
the cursor scrolling is fine with my netbook, i was referring to the comment scrolling being way to fast for touchpad scrolling, and my settings are two fingers moving up/down if that helps.
What's up with the fourth row of upcoming front page. Is that apart of your mod.
oh yeah...I can't change the cursor size with my touchpad without it thinking I'm scrolling and simultaniously pressing ctrl.
thanks! That was the problem, i'll remove those tags now! thanks.
The fourth page thing must also be a glitch, I think tpt++ just creates too many pages by accident, nothings missing though
found the problem, you must be doing it wrong. Maybe it's the capital U in User. You were finding saves tagged with your name
Not forth page, forth row (is row across because that's what i mean) doesn't appear.
scrolling is annoying, in my mod I think I made it better. (it might depend on the tochpad scroll setting though). I don't know what happened to your 4th page of saves, i'll tell Simon
lolz has purpose...self destruct activates PCLN which goes "lollollollol"
Only three rows of my saves show, any others are missing, but the ones that show have tags and the ones that don't usually have no tags. Is that a bug? Also scrolling is extreamly annoying on laptops with no mouse or scroller button.