29th Sep 2012
16th Mar 2014
Post any bugs you find here. But there aren't as many bugs that are really bugs and I don't already know about than when this first started, so also use this as a general conversation save, or to ask / tell me anything. #1 most commented save in tpt!
BOMB doesn't detonate on VIBR but does on BVBR; is this a bug?
Ah, you're right. I put wood in spaces between some PWHT and it lagged a lot. Obviously if it went in all 8 directions you'd use a second heater and id order to keep the activator at a reasonable temperature :P The description should probably mention the direction, because I recall having problems in the past not knowing.
And it only does what's above it because that's how it is coded. What else would it do, check all 8 directions? That would then have the problem of it modifying the properties of the thing activating it.
The lag is most likely just due to the large amount of PWHT, not because of the stacking on top of each other. It really only does that so it doesn't modify itself.
I had subverted your anti-touching measures, and with a fairly large block it lags tremendously. Also, is there are a reason in only flood-fills whatever's directly above it?
Nothing to do with lag or slowness, it would just corrupt its own properties :P
I think it was because it doesn't want to update itself. Because it's flood fill, it would set its own properties if there were another PWHT directly above it.
Right, so it causes the framerate to drop significantly because it's doing along the lines of n^2 updates?
Yeah, because it uses flood fill to set properties.
Ah, I see why your mod tries to prevent PWHT from sitting on top of each other