189 / 28
29th Sep 2012
16th Mar 2014
Post any bugs you find here. But there aren't as many bugs that are really bugs and I don't already know about than when this first started, so also use this as a general conversation save, or to ask / tell me anything. #1 most commented save in tpt!
problems jacob1 bugreport glitch fix 960847 tptpp bugs tptplusplus glitches


  • kazitor
    16th Jan 2019
    If you mean you enabled it and can't disable it, you can use alt+space m and arrows to try to get the option back in sight, or (I haven't tested this) edit the "Scale" property in powder.pref
  • kazitor
    16th Jan 2019
    bigrobux300: the large window requires a minimum screen resolution of around 1270 x 880. If your resolution is below that (e.g. 1366 x 768) then it simply will not fit.
  • bigrobux300
    15th Jan 2019
    the large screen wont fit in my pc can you fix it?
  • kazitor
    3rd Jan 2019
    Huh, I just realised: BOYL's pressure changes with temperature; RFRG's temperature changes with pressure. Why couldn't BOYL just do both? Unless becoming a liquid is significant.
  • kazitor
    2nd Jan 2019
    mix + shift is still too slow. It's the most annoying thing, hence my approval. Though yeah, it could bear being slowed a bit.
  • jacob1
    2nd Jan 2019
    Yes, it's so nice :)
  • QuanTech
    2nd Jan 2019
    jacob1: can confirm save creation date update works!
  • jacob1
    2nd Jan 2019
    btw, shift makes tools like MIX work faster.
  • jacob1
    2nd Jan 2019
    I have the bot monitoring comments, lol. My response time depends on how busy I am when it notifies me. Also, yeah that's way too fast lol. But normal MIX is way too slow. Maybe I'll change the speed to something in between.
  • kazitor
    1st Jan 2019
    It's *super* speedy. Like, just clicking already distributes everything more or less evenly. (Also I don't think I can cope with you responding to things so rapidly, this goes against everything I'm used to)