29th Sep 2012
16th Mar 2014
Post any bugs you find here. But there aren't as many bugs that are really bugs and I don't already know about than when this first started, so also use this as a general conversation save, or to ask / tell me anything. #1 most commented save in tpt!
kazitor: I thought you already used that name, maybe you only used it in other places. I should finish username change support ... lostfox: I'm going to stick with usernames colored by role.
lostfox: did this one not used to have *more* than yours? I don't think catching *up* is the concern here.
>:u and slow down on commenting on this save. is its more then half way to mine
would be kinda cool if you can have your name coloured on how many votes you have on you top voted save or how many total you have. tho the code in that would not be fun. best to stick with role colours like now so its not colour vs colour.
Say hello to my new account! Finally got around to changing the old email etc. And now I'm a n00b, I guess.
Introduce a non-n00b colour, automatically assigned after a few years :P
I'll take your place temporarily! (Or at least try and give me a custom name colour)
I like blue better too, lol. I'll consider changing it back, but I like being admin ):
I wonder how many n00bs are going to start getting even more confused about it, like they already do for the blue...
Wow, gold? Awfully presumptuous, isn't it? You know I cannot accept literally any server-side issues or missing functionality from now on, right?