29th Sep 2012
16th Mar 2014
Post any bugs you find here. But there aren't as many bugs that are really bugs and I don't already know about than when this first started, so also use this as a general conversation save, or to ask / tell me anything. #1 most commented save in tpt!
EAZEYEAL: I agree that a block feature would be nice. I hope to implement it someday. If I do offer edit / delete, it would have limitations like only working for a short timespan.
i could've sworn there was a mercury vapor element, it was named "MRCV" idk if its a false memory
I wonder if there are any updates planned to be in the works nowadays. TPT is very old by now and I imagine it probably has a lot of tech debt. With that in mind, is TPT planned to keep updating forever just at a slower and slower rate, or are there any ideas floating around for a TPT 2 (perhaps with a bigger save dimension size and a pannable camera, and more optimization on how particles act to allow for this. Noita proves that it's possible.)
i wish there was a way to block other tpt accounts, so you can't see/comment on each others accounts that you blocked. and also a way to delete/edit comments.
Yes, I can see all unpublished saves on your profile
can moderators see your unpublished saves?
Don't mind me, just coping some nonsense from another save's description
K a n n a 2 1 1 ---
K a n n a 2 1 1 ---
In what cases? tmp2 doesn't save to 32 bits, only 16, but it should save.