188 / 28
29th Sep 2012
16th Mar 2014
Post any bugs you find here. But there aren't as many bugs that are really bugs and I don't already know about than when this first started, so also use this as a general conversation save, or to ask / tell me anything. #1 most commented save in tpt!
problems jacob1 bugreport glitch fix 960847 tptpp bugs tptplusplus glitches


  • Security-Drone
    9th Mar 2018
    Hey J1 I have a request, is it possible to prevent the comment section from closing while there's text present in the text box? (It would prevent raging)
  • jacob1
    8th Mar 2018
    Yes, a toggle wouldn't work for that reason. I've already been using normal ctrl+p, it's nice to be able to press it again to select a new property. ctrl+shift+p is a pretty useless shortcut, but unless someone has a better idea for ctrl+shift+p I'll probably keep it in anyway.
  • PortalPlayer
    8th Mar 2018
    Actually, toggle is a bad idea; it would be useful to be able to change which property is being set.
  • PortalPlayer
    8th Mar 2018
    That shortcut is very handy. Now I'm requesting a shortcut for erase, perhaps ctrl shift p as well? It could function as a toggle.
  • jacob1
    8th Mar 2018
    Nope. I just added it because the user who suggested it wanted it.
  • PortalPlayer
    7th Mar 2018
    Since there's a shortcut for PROP on right click, is there one to go back to erase?
  • Security-Drone
    6th Mar 2018
    TBH they've stopped appearing for me as well... Probably just a hardware issue. :P
  • jacob1
    5th Mar 2018
    are you sure about involving fighters? lol. Might explain why I've never seen it if so. I did some quick tests and valgrind reported nothing
  • Security-Drone
    5th Mar 2018
    To be truthfully honest, they appear randomly. It sometimes involves varying amounts of pressure and fighters.
  • QuanTech
    5th Mar 2018
    soyuz nerushimy respublik svobodnykh spolitla naveki velikaya rus da zdravstvuet sozdanny voley narodov edini moguchij sovetsky soyuz! slavsa otechestvo nashe svobodnoe druzby narodov nadeshnij oplot! partiiya lenina sila narodnaya nas k torzhestvu kommunizma vedyot! skvoz grozy siialo nam solnste svobody i lenin veliki nam put ozaril