29th Sep 2012
16th Mar 2014
Post any bugs you find here. But there aren't as many bugs that are really bugs and I don't already know about than when this first started, so also use this as a general conversation save, or to ask / tell me anything. #1 most commented save in tpt!
Hello Jacob1. I'm politely asking you to add an option to disable BHOL formation when you squeeze too many elements into single point.. I feel like there's alot of fun being missed because of this feature. I really want to see how it would look like to explode 200,000 parts of TNT in a single pixel, but instead I get a miserable piece of BHOL. This is very disappointing in my opinion. I don't mind the bugs if you add this feature, it will be disabled by default.
Nope, they are here to stay. They are a bit odd but I like them.
will you delete the LOVE or the LOL elements
oh the bot that notifies me of comments was broken all month. Anyway ... GodOfChaos: That happens in my mod if you use 97.0 features. Although hmm, I disabled the 97.0 format in my mod already so that really shouldn't happen at all .. ?
what does that mean
i tried publishing a save and this showed up:Upload failed with error: Cannot publish save, incompatible with latest release version.
it says:HTTP Error 404:Not found
hey i found a bug with my most recent save. i cant open it
The weight value is actually just as heavy as most powders. There's special code to make SAWD float on WATR specifically, ignoring the Weight property.
Question regarding SAWD. Considering that its theoretically the lightest powder (the only one that floats on water), why doesn't it 'float' to the top of a mixture of powders? I've seen it mixed in with Bcol and other 'heavy' powders and for some reason it doesn't go to the top like DUST does..