29th Sep 2012
16th Mar 2014
Post any bugs you find here. But there aren't as many bugs that are really bugs and I don't already know about than when this first started, so also use this as a general conversation save, or to ask / tell me anything. #1 most commented save in tpt!
@catmaster did you set the DTEC's ctype to PHOT? Is the PHOT farther away from the DTEC in pixels than the DTEC's tmp2?
idk... for me dtec not detect phot
Jacob. Can you make lua consoole in tpt less buggy? And make a proper script editor for it, because im tired of doing dofile() all the time.
I would use sim.partProperty(i, "type") to get the type of a particle by ID
It is strongly recommended to not use tpt.parts for anything besides quick lua commands. Definitely don't use it in the update function of an element. It's far slower than sim.partProperty or tpt.get_property. It's just left in because it's very easy to use
tpt.parts is an array that contains particle data. You can use the iterator from sim.parts() to print out the x and y coordinates, like: for i in sim.parts() do print(tpt.parts[i]["x"],tpt.parts[i]["y"])
How do i find a particle on screen by ID?
Isn't the illuminati symbol's code "163" or something?
Tron205: i is the ID of a particle that exists somewhere on the screen. Do whatever you want with it (check the type, change a property, whatever)
for i in sim.parts() do print(i) end; -- What do i do with "i"? Is there a table that contains all current particles.