29th Sep 2012
16th Mar 2014
Post any bugs you find here. But there aren't as many bugs that are really bugs and I don't already know about than when this first started, so also use this as a general conversation save, or to ask / tell me anything. #1 most commented save in tpt!
i mean it does not place C temp at 0 it place temp at -273,85 not 0 c
the bug is when i say ""!set temp merc 0"" then it make negative heat but im drunk
i am drunk and the bug i discover is use !set temp (something) 999 and it does not show the heat at 999c it show at 210392048023984-21384
Atomic10: hi! Nice to see you back. I always love when an old friend comes to visit. Idk why I'm still here :P. But I do much less work than I used to, I just keep tpt in maintanence mode. Simon doesn't pay me, soon I'll be paying him for part of the server hosting lol.
BOBHAMSTER: scrolling and [ ] keys should both work. Make sure you're in the "Online" tab I guess? Bee_gamer45: Bug closed as "WONTFIX", sorry :P
Jacob I've been sleeping for the past 5 years and I wake to see you still here. Is that a bug? Or does Simon pay you really well
Ihave no friend. Is that a bug?
nothing works
nothibg worjs
how do you scroll diwn to see all the scripts? I have tried the arrow kays and scrokkibg but biting works