Test comment, plz ignore.
Also, I haxxed 2048 to show (any!) words rather than numbers. Very interesting.
After being dead for a week, I have returned and read all the comments! Uh, not sure if that was a good decision. But, jacob1, jm211 asked for the server IP, so you better reply with the IP and NOT the address! I cannot STAND when people call a server's address (with a domain name) its IP. Ugh. As for negative vy, it should go up. The crucial fact is that y>0 below that point, so say y=100, negative vy will move it to 0, so up. If it were below the origin when y<0, then vy<0 would move down.
another thing, if you go to the search menu (e) and type in EQVE an element appears, what is it?
also, Jacob(1), is your mod programmed in C++ or some other code not used in TPT?
no, but if you use 2 layers of CONV then the DEST will move the top particle and will then be changed in the ctype of the CONV by the second layer
also, is there any command(s) that can stop DEST from destroying CONV?
+jacob2 it shouldn't go upward, but that is the problem! that is what negative vy does!
DoritosTaco: i will check the banlist when i get home. what is your username? if it was perm that would be a mistske, maybe i forgot to remove it. jm211: mc.starcatcher.us
Atomic10: QuanTech: do you guys not understand math / coordinate systems? why would a negative velocity make y position go up. it can't be changed without moving 0,0 to the bottom left, and that would be a lot of work, break a lot of scripts code and other things, and have no benefit. it would be confusing too, it makes sense to keep 0,0 in the top left.