189 / 28
29th Sep 2012
16th Mar 2014
Post any bugs you find here. But there aren't as many bugs that are really bugs and I don't already know about than when this first started, so also use this as a general conversation save, or to ask / tell me anything. #1 most commented save in tpt!
problems jacob1 bugreport glitch fix 960847 tptpp bugs tptplusplus glitches


  • Dorito_tRF
    20th Jun 2016
    summoning an atomoc10 is really easy, just do it the same way the hive would pull a relic from the void
  • Security-Drone
    19th Jun 2016
    Post a couple of death-threats online, or send something disturbing (one of Atomic10's pedo-messages)
  • jacob2
    17th Jun 2016
    Send a letter to his mother, that always brings simon back!
  • PortalPlayer
    17th Jun 2016
    Oh crap, I invoked Simon mode on Atomic10.... uh, what do I do?
  • Atomic10
    17th Jun 2016
    PortalPlayer: "I've never found you annoying at all." That's because you only see me [i]here[i], and not on Skype or the realll lifee. I don't know. I'm actually a pretty cool Human when I don't annoy the crap out of people or don't look like a pedophile (That's a story for another time....). Maybe I think I'm acting CHILDISH. Yep... I'm gonna shut up now, and leave until I'm summoned again. [SIMON MODE ACTIVATED]
  • jacob2
    16th Jun 2016
    PortalPlayer: no, we haven't changed anything in the database. It is still md5 :p. Changing it would require me getting database access, plus a game update. And for context, some guy obsessed with security thought it would be a good idea to mass login to accounts and tell people with common passwords to change them. He did it totally improperly by publishing the passwords, so I had to change their passwords and hope that they figure out they need to send a password reset email.
  • PortalPlayer
    16th Jun 2016
    jacob1: but did you change from MD5 to SHA1 or blowfish or something? THat's important too. And some context on these "you are hacked" saves?
  • jacob1
    15th Jun 2016
    I emailed Simon and he finally updated the site! We have much better password security now. You can't use your username as a password, or some other common passwords such as "password". Existing sessions will stay, but if you try to login and your password is that, it will tell you to send a password reset email. Also, there are now rate limits on logins, if you login too many times it will lock you out for some time.
  • jacob1
    15th Jun 2016
    Qwert_Yuiop: The user that did that wasn't malicious, they are just an idiot. They thought they were helping by telling people to change their passwords, and decided to make that public ... It affected only three users I think, I changed their passwords so they will have to reset them.
  • Qwert_Yuiop
    15th Jun 2016
    jacob1: those "you are hacked" saves that just got taken down, can you tell if they were actually posted by an account thief?