189 / 28
29th Sep 2012
16th Mar 2014
Post any bugs you find here. But there aren't as many bugs that are really bugs and I don't already know about than when this first started, so also use this as a general conversation save, or to ask / tell me anything. #1 most commented save in tpt!
problems jacob1 bugreport glitch fix 960847 tptpp bugs tptplusplus glitches


  • PortalPlayer
    3rd Jun 2016
    jacob2: at what particular time would it occur?
  • jacob2
    2nd Jun 2016
    (continued) when I put the extra thread safety back in my mod I missed a line. If you exited at a certain time it would go past two threading locks and then attempt to use the lock again. It just waiting forever for the lock to be released. Not sure how much you know about threading, buy try not to have any deadlocks (:
  • jacob2
    2nd Jun 2016
    DoritosTaco: hmm? You want to use lua with Java? Or just learn both lua and Java? I know lua has an official tutorial, is pretty short because lua is so simple. PortalPlayer: it was a deadlock. My mod has a thread running which handles all the downloads. I recently ported it to TPT++ to "fix" the crash when opening saves (old code was terrible and unsafe, it was easier to replace it all since my mod already had it). I made it a little more thread safe for tpt++ despite it not being necessary.
  • PortalPlayer
    2nd Jun 2016
    jacob1: What was causing it anyway?
  • PortalPlayer
    2nd Jun 2016
    jacob1: yeah, in Windows I had to alt+tab out and close it externally.
  • Tatr629000
    1st Jun 2016
    hi lol
  • Dorito_tRF
    1st Jun 2016
    jacob1: i want to use lua AND java but i dont know how they work and every tutorial didnt tell me anything but how to make the console output stuff like words and basic math
  • jacob1
    1st Jun 2016
    DoritosTaco: use lua for that :), lua is so powerful you can do almost anything. PortalPlayer: lol. On linux I had to manually kill it ):. I did think it was weird that nobody reported the bug. MrCube1337: thanks :D
  • GlitchJames
    1st Jun 2016
    I don't have a bug but I just wanted to tell you Jacob1, that you are my number 1 favourite TPT User on here. Thank you for your creations and your wisdom to all of us.
  • Dorito_tRF
    31st May 2016
    PortalPlayer:the what is what? i dont speak nerd