29th Sep 2012
16th Mar 2014
Post any bugs you find here. But there aren't as many bugs that are really bugs and I don't already know about than when this first started, so also use this as a general conversation save, or to ask / tell me anything. #1 most commented save in tpt!
also, when you click on a sign with elements selected, it doesn't work
i was curious and this isnt because i dont think you do i was just courious if you still enjoy doing this i noticed a sterner vocabulary in your comments recent years plus you have been doing this since the beggining considiring your from what i understand the creator of the game and its at least been 10 years since the original creation. it got me thinking if you still enjoy doing this everyday
jacob1: signs is hauted and can move and save itself unknowed and unnoticed after an few hours
also when you try to risize the game there is a black line across the screen. when you close and open it the screen turns white and you can't close it.
I have more idea! tmp controls how fast fuse burns. dust will adapt the color of the element that is its ctype
guess what? replace mode doesn't work anymore! UHhHHH!!!!
how do you unselect specific delete elements?!
hey, my non-racist nazi concentration camp was unpublished for no reason. 2776120
jacob1: uhhhh can you check my tv save the wifi was acting one way
2843707 id an copied oven i just reported him