29th Sep 2012
16th Mar 2014
Post any bugs you find here. But there aren't as many bugs that are really bugs and I don't already know about than when this first started, so also use this as a general conversation save, or to ask / tell me anything. #1 most commented save in tpt!
just reminding you that the script paste mod doesn't work on Android, in case you forgot.
Ok, that's all the feedback you posted here responded to.
BOBHAMSTER: deco popout and zoon window conflict, therefore opening one minimizes the other. It would be much more confusing to allow them to coexist and overlap, that's how it used to be. That is funny that copying that id closes the screen, but, it is actually letting you copy anyway. I fixed that for the next version.
BOBHAMSTER: maybe I'm used to the font, but I think c looks fine. Also I fixed the typo (actually a missing space) in that message now. gx and gy are gravity values, they measure how strong newtonian gravity is at a position. The searching is known, the game won't let you search with less than 4 letters anyway. This is a server optimization, indexing everything on 3 letters would use a lot of resources.
BOBHAMSTER: I'm aware of the black screen when minimizing and reentering the game, but I have no idea what causes it and it's out of my control. It's one of those bugs I may consider looking at only if it still happens after my planned Android rewrite (moving to vanilla tpt, upgrading to sdl2). I may also investigate adding line/box tool at that time. For now they aren't supported at all on Android, but if you have ctrl and shift keys you can use them.
BOBHAMSTER: That is a lot to respond to. I will ignore the suggestion saves and just respond to what you posted here.
also, suggestion page!: 2840428
con't copy save id in modify sim propertys page
and another suggestion page 2839539
also te deco popout and zoom window can't exist a the same time